
This tutorial provides a walk-through of Logomaker via a series of Jupyter notebooks. Each notebook focuses on a different aspect of the Logomaker functionality. To run the notebooks, simply download the notebooks to your local machine and run them in a local Jupyter server. These notebooks assume that the user has pip installed Logomaker already; if not, please download the notebooks to a directory where the Logomaker repository is cloned.

Lesson 1: Basic logo creation and styling

Shows how to load data into Logomaker, draw a logo, and perform some basic logo styling. Access notebook on GitHub.

Lesson 2: Logos from alignments

Provides methods to convert multi-sequence alignments into dataframes that can subsequently be rendered as logos. Access notebook on GitHub.

Lesson 3: Transform between logos of different types

Logomaker supports multiple different logo types and allows the user to transform from one type of logo to another type. This lesson walks the user through this functionality and gives mathematical descriptions of the built-in matrix types that Logomaker supports. Access notebook on GitHub.

Lesson 4: Saliency logos

Saliency logos are used to represent important positions within a sequence as predicted by deep neural networks. This notebook shows how to use Logomaker to draw saliency logos. Access notebook on GitHub.

Lesson 5: Advanced styling

Describes the advanced logo styling functionality that Logomaker offers. Access notebook on GitHub.

Lesson 6: Glyph objects

Shows how to render and customize individual characters, which in Logomaker are called Glyphs. Access notebook on GitHub.